Frequently asked questions

We have answered the most frequently asked questions below.

If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We offer a 15 hour funded place:

  • morning place 8:30am - 11:30am

  • afternoon place 12:30pm - 3:30pm.

We offer 30 hour funded places subject to eligibility and availability:

  • 8:30am-2:30pm (their nursery session is in the morning)

In order to check eligibility please refer to

We pride ourselves on robust and tested procedures for settling children into nursery. Staff will wherever possible visit your child pre school/nursery setting.  Parents attend a New to Nursery talk.  Key Persons/Teachers will complete home visits to meet with parents/carers and children in their home setting. Parents will be given a date to visit with their child/ren for an hour prior to starting nursery the next day.

We operate as a 5-day nursery, so we expect the children to be in each day, Monday to Friday, as we deliver the curriculum across the school week.

Throughout the session, there is a balance of adult led activity and child-initiated learning, which enables the children to practise skills taught during adult led activities. The routine of the day is not a strict timetable but provides a flexible framework for structure and familiarity: it may change throughout the week and across the year to adapt to the changing needs of children and take into account seasonal and nursery events. During child-initiated learning, children can free flow through the nursery rooms and outdoor environment.

We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage framework which sets the required standards for the learning, development and care of the children.

Yes, your child’s Key Person is your first point of contact. Within the nursery, children are assigned to a colour group supported by a Key Person.  The teachers have the oversight of all the children in the group and works closely with the Key Person to deliver the curriculum.

Each colour group can have up to 12 children.

There are various ways in which we communicate; e-mail, phone calls, termly consultations with your Key Person/Teacher, newsletters, Tapestry (online learning journal) and via social media platforms include Facebook and Instagram.

Nursery staff will carry out observations that help them to ensure each child is making progress and also identify any needs.  This will be documented in your child’s online learning journal.

The Key Person will document your child’s progress as he or she progresses throughout the nursery school through an online learning journal called ‘Tapestry’.  Parents are invited to regularly share their child’s learning experiences at home via the Tapestry platform

To ensure that your child doesn’t miss out on any vital learning opportunities, we ask that you arrive promptly at the start of your child’s session and also at the end of the session to enable your child’s Key Person to attend planning meetings

Lunches are only available for children accessing our 30-hours provision and wraparound Day Care.

This is optional, however many parents choose to buy a pullover and/or t-shirt.  The link for our uniform seller can be found here

For Batford Nursery School children, we offer flexible wraparound care from 7:30am to 6:00pm during term time as well as a holiday club.  All the children attending Batford Day Care have access to fabulous outdoor spaces and well-resourced group rooms, where they are able to access the broad range of learning opportunities.

Holiday clubs are offered for each half-term, summer and Christmas.  This is through our Day Care provision and parents will need to book these separately with Batford Day Care Ltd.