Strategic Vision

The governors and senior leadership team have a three-year strategic vision for the school:


Leadership and Management is forward thinking and able to adapt to the challenges of fluctuations in funding and a changing educational landscape.



In partnership with parents, we support all children with the skills and confidence needed for their next steps in education.



Our highly trained staff are valued and supported to continue to the goal to be Outstanding.



We manage our unique school grounds, buildings and facilities efficiently, to maximise social and learning opportunities.

School Development Plan

The strategy is supported by an annual school development plan.

Each year, the Headteacher meets with our Hertfordshire Improvement Plan to determine areas for school development and these are articulated in a plan which is shared with staff and approved by the governors.  Priorities are chosen for each of the four Ofsted inspection strands and progress towards specific objectives within each is monitored throughout the year.

The key priorities for 2022/23 are:

Quality of education

To continue to strengthen the curriculum implementation so that it is consistently adapted to meet the needs of all learners.

Personal development

To further extend provision so that this provides a wide range of personal development opportunities including e-safety, healthy body/healthy mind, representation of the cohort and wider community and eco sustainability

Behaviour and attitudes

To strengthen children’s understanding of the wider community and their contribution to the lives of those in the local area.

Leadership and Management

To plan & implement induction for new governors, whilst continuing to lead professional development that impacts on outcomes for children